For just 10-15 minutes each day we will explore:
· How Tending Your Heart Fire nurtures you and heals the earth.
· Self Love as the keystone for inner and world peace.
· How to Radiate Love & Create Peace in any situation.
· LOVE as the Pathway to Peace and Most Powerful Antidote to all conflict.

Meet Susan Jenkins
Susan Jenkins ~ Mystic Healer & Medicine Dreamer has been walking her healing spirit path for 40 years. A seasoned practitioner and loving guide, Susan helps people heal, empower themselves, and fully embody their essence, soul purpose and vision, through spirit and earth centered practices, sacred ceremony and guided journey work. Susan opened to her unique gift of sight 40 years ago when faced with a debilitating health crisis that opened her to the mystery, healing power and loving guidance from the spirit realms, launching her onto her healing path.
A heart-centered mystic healer, and medicine dreamer, Susan journeys into the spiritual realms for inspiration and guidance from the earth, nature, spirit allies, and animal guides – and works with the transformative powers on the Planetary Cosmic Medicine Wheel. She collaborates with spirit guides and luminous beings to clear, uplift, shift and transform disruptive energies, internal and external. Clients report profound healing and positive shifts from working with her.
Susan works with people in her private Dreaming & Embodying Your Vision Program and her signature Birthing Into Being and Your Divine Union Within group programs. She also offers retreats, daylong intensives, and distance home and land clearings – worldwide.