Ready to Dream & Embody Your Soul Vision, Harness Your Inner Light, Truth & Power?
Transformation & Living To Your Fullest Illuminated Potential is Your Birthright! If Not NOW, when?
Dreaming & Embodying Your Vision is designed for people who are fully committed to taking a healing journey within, to nourish their spirits, ground deeply with the earth, deepen their connection to spirit, and cause empowering changes in their lives. Within this safe, loving container you will be nurtured, encouraged and supported by me as healer, spiritual midwife, guide, visionary, and medicine dreamer.
Join me on an intimate spiritual healing journey into authentic self-expression, self-realization and deep healing – so you can fully embody your beautiful shining essence, ground deeply with the nature and the earth and align with your soul purpose and path.
Embody the powerful creator you are at your core, and manifest your soul purpose and vision this year!
This program is for you if you’re committed to stepping onto your spirit path, with me right by your side, supporting and guiding you in clearing away old patterns, stories and old ways of being – so that you can awaken and birth into your fullest potential and shining essence.
Ready to liberate yourself, feel ignited, fulfilled and empowered in all areas of your life? THEN THIS IS FOR YOU!
My ongoing support will be invaluable in drawing forth the best in you, and holding you accountable on your next most empowering steps forward – and implementing the guidance you’ll receive – so you can fully embody your shining essence, autonomy and sovereignty.
Are you:
- Tired of waiting for the day when you’ll finally wake up fulfilled and spiritually aligned with your true essence?
- Facing a crossroad that you need support and guidance moving through?
- Tired of feeling like a victim, and ready to truly empower and transform your life?
- Longing to clarify your soul’s purpose and co-create a clear strategy and fulfilling life plan?
- Praying for more spiritual connection, guidance and grace in your life?
- Ready to dream and birth your true soul vision, aligned with your essence – and fully embody your authentic truth, wisdom and inner power?
If so, then THIS IS FOR YOU!
Working together over a period of time provides ample time for you to not feel like you have to rush through your healing and check “you” off the list! We will have plenty of time to create a loving, safe container, in which to safely explore all aspects of your inner and outer life – through a practical and spiritual lens.
You’ll have the opportunity to identify and clear away persistent patterns and blocks, and cause long-lasting healing and shifts in your life.
Along with my loving, ongoing support, spiritual coaching, and nurturing guidance, we will create a safe, loving container for your transformation. And I will share and teach you a multitude of empowering, grounding tools that you’ll have in your spiritual toolkit for the rest of your life!
Each month includes:
3 private sessions
Email access
Recording of all sessions
During our time working together you will:
- Learn to nourish your roots and ground deeply with Mother Earth.
- Clarify your vision, identify your many “choice points”.
- Create a clear, powerful strategy for your life.
- Journey to non-ordinary realities for guidance.
- Learn to invoke and harness the powerful, transforamtive powers of the Planetary Medicine Wheel.
Spaces are limited! So, if your heart says “yes”... Let's talk!
SPACES ARE LIMITED So, if you’re interested in working with me privately BOOK A FREE VISIONING CALL WITH ME TODAY! Just imagine how good it would feel to gift yourself this intimate, sacred time and space with a trustworthy, safe, spiritual mentor, elder, healer, and spiritual midwife – right there by your side – to support you in achieving that next level of evolution and transformation you’ve been longing for?
I found our private sessions to be especially valuable. During these private sessions, Susan performed a powerful soul retrieval for me. Taught me how to re-calibrate my brain, after a fight or flight response, along with an introduction to shapeshifting.
During the nine months of working together, I was without a therapist. As I have strong issues with trust; I felt comfortable opening up with her. Susan is insightful, non-judgemental, non-egocentric, wise, loving, and kind. I am so grateful for her support, and for having had the opportunity to work with Susan and our circle.”
“Susan transports others to deeper levels of self-understanding with grace and beauty. In my work with Susan, I gained a greater depth of knowing my own truth, clarity of vision, and a greater connection to the earth, the elements, and the directions. Our journeys were colorful explorations into the magical and mystical. She has a true connection to the realms that expand consciousness and has the gift to help others find their own path to expansive, inner places. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Susan.”
“Being a part of Susan’s Diamond Program: Dreaming & Embodying Your Vision, is worth more than you can imagine in lifetimes. In such a short period of time of this private shamanic mentorship, my entire life had dramatically changed. I am literally emanating vast amounts of light, so much that others around me who’ve known me can see and feel the difference!! Susan helped my healership unfold into a deeper, otherworldly level with her wisdom, awakening incredible powers and gifts within from past lives and ancestry, allowing me to discover and fully embody the mystical, magical ancient healer that I am.
Susan was there for me when I had an emergency mental breakdown with my husband and guided me to speak my truth, which in turn, shifted my marriage to become the strongest it’s been in 20 years. With the activations I’ve learned, I’m able to clear my son and daughter regularly, so they are incredibly happy all day every day, in-tune, calm, and productive.
I also truly enjoyed being part of the groups Birthing into Being and Earth Medicine & Magic, connecting with others and diving into many journeys, always such wild vivid visioning and feeling beautiful ancient energy. Susan helped create the most amazingly worded Amplified Vision Statement, all of which became true and completed in less than a year, All Of It. Being an elemental and feeling the magnitude of connecting with nature through Susan’s shamanic journeys has been a blessing. Thanks to her, I was able to connect to my ancestors even thousands of years ago, channel in ancient languages, expand my knowing, layer triple visioning, and learn so much about my past lives. Healing and creating not just this lifetime but in all lifetimes. She even sparked my inner warrioress who gave me strength to stand up for my entire community. But the BIGGEST thing Susan had helped me the most with is SOBRIETY! She helped me remove evil addictive entities and quit a 25-year nicotine addiction of smoking and vaping. I could not have done this without her guidance and I can actually BREATHE so much better!!!
This is me at my purest. I’m happier than ever. Best spiritual investment I’ve ever made, hands down. My deepest gratitude and appreciation for working with Susan cannot be expressed enough through words. She knows how much I love her with all my heart and soul. It’s that unexplainable bond, understanding, and knowing that I will cherish forever. I am at the top of my sacred mountain screaming: I am liberated! I am my inner warrioress! I am powerful! I am free! I am ME!”
“I am a Cree Elder and want to say it is my honor to write a testimonial for Susan Jenkins’ program Birthing Into Being.
While Susan shares she does not put any expectations on you, leaving you to share whatever you choose to do. The journeys can take you into an entirely new realm of learning. I will say that what YOU put into the program is what you are going to get out of it. Even if you follow only a portion of the program, you are guaranteed some personal growth. It has been an honor going on this journey with Susan”.
AHO, All My Relations
“I have worked with Susan for over a year now, as a private client and in her Birthing Into Being and Divine Union Within group programs. This has been such a time of change and transformation for me, and the entire world, during the pandemic. Within the first year of COVID, I went through a relationship ending and went through major changes at work, and in many other areas of my life. It has felt like a mental, emotional, and Spiritual death passage (as Susan would call it) and a rebirth! Susan has been a wonderful support and guide through this challenging process. She is authentic; I always feel her fully present, open, and connected. Her integrity has offered me a foundation of deep trust in our relationship, that has allowed me to open up fully, and go deep into my healing process and transformation. After a year of receiving her mentoring and teachings, I am thrilled to say that I accept and love myself more than ever before. I feel deeply grounded and connected with the earth and all her beings and powerful energies. My Spirituality – which to me is my direct relationship with Great Spirit/Consciousness and all beings – has expanded and is more potent; and is the foundation of my inner strength. I am beyond grateful to Susan!!!
P.S. To all of you looking into her teachings: Yes, I highly recommend it! You just need to show up with true intention, receive from Susan as the loving, wise soul she is, and allow the magical process to unfold!
“Each meeting I have had with Susan is a true gift. With the journeys and knowledge Susan provided, I am able to truly look within. There are so many inner layers to discover, and rediscover. Shining a light on these layers, and learning to use my inner resources has been a game changer. My life is becoming a more confident, courageous journey that I am proud to lead.”
“I am overwhelmed with joy when I think about how my life has changed since working with Susan Jenkins. If you are looking to connect with spirit and do some deep inner work, you will be amazed to find powerful medicine to move you forward on your life’s path. Susan’s soothing voice and gentle guidance take you on amazing Shamanic journeys to the invisible realms. There you will meet your power animals and spirit guides with their unique and meaningful messages. I have been able to overcome blocks to take the steps necessary to manifest my dreams. New opportunities are opening up for me and Susan is helping me feel empowered to go forth with confidence! With the sound of the drum I have journeyed to miraculous places, and emerged to break free of self criticism and self doubt to become a warrioress and create my life’s vision. I am so grateful to have found Susan and her abundant wisdom. If you get stuck or need support she is always accessible to help you. I have become more peaceful, playful, and appreciative of the beauty of nature all around me because of Susan’s teachings. She can help you uncover your own special gifts and talents so you too can be rebirthed into your best and highest self.”
If you’re interested in working with me privately, please contact me now
to set up a clarity call to see if we are a good fit.