I’m really feeling the power of today’s full moon, are you?  When I woke this morning, just before dawn, I felt enveloped, held and opened by the light of her presence, power and magic. When the moon’s full, I’m very aware of how I am both, inspired to move full steam ahead in to inspired action, while also quieted and pulled to sink into the deep silence within, where I merge with the mystery and open to the subtle whispers of spirit.  I find that balancing the wild, creative impulse to action, and spirit’s need for deep quiet, is like walking the knife’s edge on the inner warrior’s path, that requires awareness and discipline. Do you find that to be true for you too?

As we move towards the quiet pause of the Solstice, on December 21st, I’ve committed to meditating at least once, if not twice a day, to allow the calming silence and magnetic pull of the earth’s deep dreaming to balance the collective rush and business of the holidays. I invite you to join me! Everything’s always so much easier and spacious when I make myself stop, sit and allow myself to simply be present.

A space opens for spirit, magic and grace to flow.

The other thing I’m doing is making a conscious effort to turn off my computer and cell phone, on a regular basis, which is a welcome relief to my spirit! Want to join me?

Special Seasonal Offer!

I’m inspired to make a generous offer in honor of this season of gifting, I’m offering 1 hour long “Clarity, Breakthrough Sessions” for just $97!

This way I have enough time to really help you find clarity and focus in a particular area of your life. Please Feel free to book an hour, even if we’ve spoken before. It allows more time than a 20 minute clarity call.

What’s the#1 greatest challenge in your life right now?
Schedule a 1 hour long “Clarity, Breakthrough Session” with me for $97 so I can help you problem solve, find solutions, create inspired actions around that aspect of your life.

      Click Here Now To  Purchase Your Breakthrough Session !