Do you ever hide your joy and magical ways?

It’s high holiday season here in the Northern Hemisphere. If you live in the southern hemisphere, it’s high summer! It’s so easy to get really busy, overwhelmed, scattered and way off balance. Buffalo showed up when I asked for an animal medicine to...

Loving and nurturing your “inner addict”.

I’m imagining you may be thinking, where’s she going with this one? Nurture my what?” The holiday season is here for so many of us. It can be wonderful, heart warming, stressful, busy and very triggering for our “inner addicts”. Self...

Are you “hunting your vision”?

Are you on track and “hunting your vision”? Or, are you getting lured off and distracted ? This morning I woke up inspired, focused and on track with my vision and my “short list” of inspired actions for the day. Then I opened my inbox! Even...

Heart or Mind? Which do you trust more?

Heart or mind? Which do you trust more? So many people have thanked me for providing a window into my medicine work and the power of the shamanic path in action when I shared a woman’s experience with me on her free call....


I love my work! I watch people’s lives turn completely around in magical, miraculous ways, every single day! One shamanic journey can change the course of your life forever! I want this for you! Are you curious about the free calls I offer? Here’s an...